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Living in Shipping Container Home: how to keep shipping container insulated

Living in Shipping Container Home: how to keep shipping container insulated

12 Sep 2024


Living in Shipping Container Home: how to keep shipping container insulated

Shipping container houses are favored by low-budget people because of their environmental protection, economy and fast construction. The question you may be worried about is how to insulate when living in a shipping container house?

Below I will introduce you to the information about how to insulate a shipping container house.


living in container


Why insulate?

The metal structure of a shipping container house is affected by the outside temperature. In summer, they become an "oven"; in winter, they become an "ice cellar". Therefore, suitable insulation can improve living comfort.


1. Spray insulation

Spray foam insulation is currently the most recommended method. It not only effectively insulates, but also prevents rust on the interior walls. Spray foam insulation can fill the gaps and corners of shipping containers.

This method takes less time, not as long as other methods. Therefore, you can save some time.


living in container


2. Roll insulation

This is a traditional insulation method. Roll materials include fiberglass or rock wool. Although the cost is lower, it is not suitable for container houses.

These materials easily absorb water, leading to corrosion problems. Therefore, this method should be used as a last resort.


living in container


3. Ecological insulation

Ecological insulation methods usually use recycled materials. Such as egg trays or old clothes. Although this method is environmentally friendly and low-cost, the insulation effect and aesthetics are not as good as professional insulation materials.

If you have requirements for the aesthetics and comfort of the shipping container house, please choose other insulation methods.


living in container


How to choose a suitable insulation method?

There are several factors to consider when choosing an insulation method:

Budget: Spray insulation is more expensive, but the effect is the best. Coil and ecological insulation are less expensive, but may require more maintenance.

Living climate: In extreme climate conditions, more efficient insulation methods may be required.

Aesthetic needs: If you have specific requirements for the appearance of the house, you may need to choose more aesthetic insulation materials.



The insulation of container houses is the key to ensuring living comfort and extending the life of the house. By choosing the right insulation method, you can transform these metal boxes into a comfortable home.



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